Monday, March 21, 2011

Why Can We Lick Our Balls But Not Catch Our Tails

Daddy has trouble sleeping. He says most people get a song stuck in their heads and it wont go away. Daddy almost never listens to music. He listen's to language lesson's or books on tape watches TV or Reads. The stuff he reads doesn't make sense to most other humans so he bounces it of me because he know next time he walks me he will be picking up my opinion of in a little plastic bag. More than humans they don't give one even when they do understand.

The other day when he couldn't sleep he said it keep going through his head " Why can Dogs lick their testicles but not catch their tails" being a god sorry dog he asked me. I looked at him, while aimed my head where I figured he was I am blind ( like Justice ) and thought, I never chase my tail but then since I'm a rescued dog I don't those things to lick either. Guess is evens out. Bet the next thing keeps him awake is if the licking causes the chasing. Don't know about all humans but mine thinks to much.

I can sleep anywhere anytime.

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