Friday, October 1, 2010

If Shakespeare had been a Puppy

Imagine if some those great plays had been written from a Canine perspective. After all for us things are pretty simple. If your fixed ( who ever came up with that term should be fixed himself ) as I was before Sid or his daughter met me as I am what they call a "Rescued Dog" saved from a terrible life in a "Puppy Mill" where in the raid 268 other dogs were also saved and 69 had to be put down as euthanasia. Then you don't worry about making little puppies so your philosophy involves only two things and maybe if humans reduced their philosophy's to only two items many of their problems would go away.

For example Hamlet's famous speech would have been " To Pee or not to Pee "

So in case it isn't instantly obvious just what a dog's life involves when boiled down to only two items here it is for you.

If you can't eat it.

Pee on it.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Hot Hot Hot

It's hard being a good dog sometimes.

Daddy has had a hard time with his illness lately so we have not gone out as much. He is worried mainly his stepdad having a brain operation.

I have been scared a lot too because of something called fire crackers. They are very loud and sound scary so I won't go out when they have been going off. Daddy says they only sell them a couple times a year and the kids will run out very soon. It is also very hot and I haven't had my summer haircut yet. Yesterday was so hot Dad said he " should jump into the microwave to cool off". Lucky him he isn't wearing a fur coat and he can sweat. Dogs only have sweat glands on our paws. We cool off by panting.

Daddy should have before and after photo's of my haircut within a week. I'm in pretty good shape for someone over 100 in dog years

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Daddy's in the Dark Again

Daddy has not been typing for him or me. We have had a paw full of real nice days. Daddy says this is a bit rare for last half of March but not real rare. He says second half of March is after this guy Caesar gets knifed and all the Irishmen in the world get hangovers is the time. Today and yesterday were cold though. Daddy says less than 5 degrees C and to tell those to our south that is 22 degrees the way they still measure it. He thinks tomorrow might rain because he is staying in the dark and wearing sunglasses inside ( I can't see them he told me & I hear him when he looks for them ). He says it may not be rain though because his back hurts means he slept at some odd angle. I don't know what he did I only get on the couch the bed is too high. My friend might come over to walk me and Daddy will do it when the sun goes down. To get ready he is watching something called vampire movies. I like those movies because they have steaks in them.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Sunny Days

The Weather out is bright and sunny. You don't have to be able to see to feel the warm sun on your fur. Sid/Daddy had me out yesterday and after we were out a while he fell asleep. First time in a long time he did it without pills. I guess he fell asleep before it was time to take them. He told me that is good news. He also said it means his body may be back to knowing day from night. Before I was born he worked shifts whatever that means but if he gets even a little sick his body starts to sleep either during the day or from 2am till about 10 am. He tells me those were the shifts he worked get home at 2 at night or 7 in the morning.

I prefer him taking me out at normal daytime because then more people can fuss over me.

I'm glad Sid/Daddy is feeling better.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I think Sid might be sick

Yesterday Sid was gone was gone for a while. When he goes away for a whole afternoon or evening sometimes he is Panicky. Sometimes he is nervous and sometimes he is just exhausted. He has some kind of thing that those things make him sick. He used to be worse. One of the Panicky things would put him in hospital for a week or two and I would have to go to his Mom's my Grandma's till he was home.

Other times if he is just a bit sick he hires people to take care of me while he can't go out.

Yesterday and today he has just been tired and worried. I don't understand what is bothering him but something is. He did take me out and got me and Mr Whiskers extra treats but at night he went to bed early and asked a friend of mine who cleans sometimes and has a key in case he gets sick to walk me.

He is doing this post because he woke up to pee. We all hope he is better tomorrow. I like that when he doesn't feel well he gets us extra treats though. He said he should be better tomorrow. He also says the weather will get better soon and that means longer walks. Mr Whiskers will not go outside. His mom was killed by a truck when he was a baby and he stays near Sid all the time. Sometimes he makes Sid sneeze though and then the noise makes him run away. They are both good Room Mates.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Happy Birthday too Me

Sid tells me today is my birthday today and I am 101 in dog years which is 13 human years. He wanted to take a special picture of me but outside is still messy so he says he will take a special one when I get my haircut. Or if there is a really nice day before then. The one here he took a year or maybe even more ago. He gave away that coat to someone who came over with too light a coat. A friend of mine who takes me for walks sometimes. Only a few special people are allowed to take me for walks.

Which leads me to some questions.

1. What is a year, I think it is when it gets hot for a while and then cold again for a long time. Sid takes me to the grommer for twice a year at the start of the hot weather he calls summer and again when my hair starts growing back heavy but it is still hot. He lets it grow long in the cold weather. I think Sid gets jealous because he can only grow hair on his face. He says he used to be able to grow it on top of his head but I think he's kidding.

2. Question 2 is what is 101 and what is 13. People do something called counting things. I never needed to till I went blind. Now I need to know how many steps across the road so I don't trip over the curb on the other side. Sid is pretty good at saying curb when I have to step down and usually when I have to step up. Sometimes he forgets though and if I didn't count I can bump my nose unless I smell the curb. It is harder to smell if it just rained heavy. Sometimes a long way from corners he will cross at an angle and I start raising my feet higher for the curb early. Beats banging my nose. Sid says people years and dog years are not the same. I don't get it but he said he will explain it in his blog today.

3. If it's my birthday why aren't I having a party. Two birthdays ago he had a party for me with all dogs there it was great. He might still be worried 3 of us forced the door open and then the downstairs door and went for a run down the alley. His human friends were laughing till they fell down when he came back carrying 3 dogs all over 40 pounds whatever a pound is. He was pretty tired after that. If you think I'm pulling your leg ask Bonnie's human at Gail's Books in Sid's friends they were both there. Mind you that was 3 months before I lost the sight in my good eye and I think Sid worries to much about me.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Welcome to Rocky's Blog


And Welcome to Rocky's Blog. Data Entry done by my Room Mate Sid or Mr Whiskers if he jumps on the keyboard and scares the heck out of Sid. The url for this blog should be Rocky has a blog dot blogspot dot com with now spaces of course.

As you can tell from who my room mates are I'm a single dog. Not looking for a lady dog since I was a rescued I have been so called fixed. Ladies next time you husband has a flu and is complaining so much he is drowning out the kids tell him you can have him fixed in no time. Just one visit to the Vet. Doubt you will hear another word out of him.

I may well be the most popular being in this town. At least my friend Sid can't make it to the nearest store with me without having to stop to let people pet me. They call me Rocky or Oh I Know This Dog. I have to admit I love the spotlight. I bark if people stop petting me. I am not allowed in stores. This is not Sid's rule the stores or the government ( what ever that is ) make the rule. I am allowed in the pet store and there are two of those in town.

My favorite treat is a pigs ear. I like dog cookies and cat treats are yummy.