Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I think Sid might be sick

Yesterday Sid was gone was gone for a while. When he goes away for a whole afternoon or evening sometimes he is Panicky. Sometimes he is nervous and sometimes he is just exhausted. He has some kind of thing that those things make him sick. He used to be worse. One of the Panicky things would put him in hospital for a week or two and I would have to go to his Mom's my Grandma's till he was home.

Other times if he is just a bit sick he hires people to take care of me while he can't go out.

Yesterday and today he has just been tired and worried. I don't understand what is bothering him but something is. He did take me out and got me and Mr Whiskers extra treats but at night he went to bed early and asked a friend of mine who cleans sometimes and has a key in case he gets sick to walk me.

He is doing this post because he woke up to pee. We all hope he is better tomorrow. I like that when he doesn't feel well he gets us extra treats though. He said he should be better tomorrow. He also says the weather will get better soon and that means longer walks. Mr Whiskers will not go outside. His mom was killed by a truck when he was a baby and he stays near Sid all the time. Sometimes he makes Sid sneeze though and then the noise makes him run away. They are both good Room Mates.

1 comment:

  1. Poor little doggie!
    I hope that Sid will spend extra time with you and will give you a nice treat when he feels better.
